Text C - Text - New Words

  enjoyable adj.   sth. enjoyable gives you pleasure 使人愉快的,令人快乐的
  rewarding adj.   making you feel happy and satisfied because you feel you are doing sth. useful or important(指活动)值得做的,令人满意的
  thrive vi.   to become very successful or very strong and healthy 茁壮成长,繁荣,蓬勃发展
  characteristic n.   (usually pl.) a quality or feature of sth. / sb. that is typical of them and easy to recognize 特征
  determine vt.   to find out 确定(某事物),决定
  fit n.   the particular way in which sth. fits 适合
  motivate vt.   to make sb. want to achieve sth. and make them willing to work hard in order to do it 激发,促成
  assignment n.   a piece of work that is given to sb. as part of their job, or that a student is asked to do 任务,作业
  grade vt.   to assess the value of some work and award it a mark (number) or grade (letter) 批改
  pace n.   the rate or speed at which sth. happens or at which sb. does sth. 速度
  appreciate vt.   to understand how good or useful sb. / sth. is 赏识,高度评价
  comprehension n.   the ability to understand sth. 理解(力)
  majority n.   most of the people or things in a particular group 大多数,大半,大多
  clip n.   a short part of a film or other material that is shown by itself 电影的片段
  available adj.   sth. that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found 可用的,可得到的
  comprehend vt.   to understand sth. that is complicated or difficult 理解,领会
  guidance n.   help and advice given to sb. about their work, education, personal life, etc. 引导,指导
  resist vt.   to try to prevent change or prevent yourself being forced to do sth. 抵抗,抵制
  distraction n.   sth. that makes you stop paying attention to what you are doing 使人分心的事物
  hook n.   a curved piece of metal or plastic that you use for hanging things on 钩
  temptation n.   a strong desire to have or do sth. even though you know you should not 劝诱,诱惑
  disturbance n.   sth. that stops you from being able to continue doing sth., or the act of stopping sb. from being able to continue doing sth. 扰乱,干扰